Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meeting in the Median: Camelot Votes for Garden Design

On a sunny Saturday morning in early June, Camelot residents, several children, and two dogs, stopped by the Camelot's King Arthur Road Entrance talk, drink lemonade, have a slice of watermelon, and choose from among three landscape designs submitted for the new Entrance Garden design. The Garden Project has begun.

Following the theme of storm water capturing and demonstrating the handsome and clever use of native plants, garden designs were submitted by Merrifield Gardens' landscape designer, Jonathan Stromfeld, Nature by Design in Alexandria, and landscape architect, Mantua neighbor, and Friend of Accontink Creek, Suzy Foster. Of twenty-two votes: 13 (57.2%) preferred Merrifield's "Re-Use is Good Use," "6 (26.4%) votes went to Suzy Foster's "Winding Wetlands," and 3 (13%) votes liked Nature by Designs' "Pretty Wild".   
 Andres, Lily's husband and a water resources engineer,  played the guitar and sang 
charming bossa-novas perfect to vote by
   Written on the voting slips, additional comments were made including: "Make sure drivers can see around that giant holly so they don't run me over when I'm walking the dog," and "Make sure the guys who mow the grass know what they're supposed to not mow," and "I like the watershed-friendly part of all of these choices. Grass is like pavement." 

In the grassy median at Little River Turnpike on one of the first really warm mornings of summer, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Soil and Water Conservation District Education Coordinator, Lily Whitesell, was on-hand for water conservation and management insight. Lily's husband, Andres, played the guitar and sang charming bossa-novas perfect to vote by, and Mason District Supervisor, Penny Gross, stopped by to extend her support. "Always happy to help Camelot," said Gross.

This autumn, the Entrance Garden will be revamped according to the chosen design in a community effort funded by a Fairfax County Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program matching grant. Liz Kirchner, who, with Chuck Dennis, is spearheading the effort says, "Installing small trees, tidying giant hollies, and strewing existing daylilies and azaleas throughout the newly chosen Merrifield design will be a perfect community service project for scouts, students, and neighbors: physically challenging, civically responsive, and environmentally significant." 
To participate by gardening or documenting the effort, call Liz at 703 909-0191.

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